1. “We are old now so we seldom feel angry.”
    “I cannot go as I am so busy with my work”
    “Internet, new technologies, connecting people”
    “Scared that other people will hate me”
    “I love my father”
    “Where I grew up, in a basement. Sounds a little weird but I grew up in a basement”
    “I’m scared of being a bad person”
    “Global warming. The world supporting us”
    “Darkness. Not the bright lights of the highway”
    “I feel calmer when I’m lost for some reason”
    “Long walks, not following a path.”
    “Sometimes the most comfortable people are the most violent ones”
    “I fear my heart can be tempted to the worship of idols”
    “At my home, with my children around me”
    “The sunrise is what gives me hope”
    “I live in a country where the people have a lot of solidarity”
    “There is an outbreak of violence at the moment”
    “The new generation who loves development gives me hope”
    “I haven’t found a secure and calm place anywhere”
    “America. USA”
    “The heat over here and the hard work makes me bad tempered”
    “A husband who fights his wife is a violent person”
    “I feel scared when a loved one dies”
    “Love is a big topic”
    “When I am in church”
    “I won’t be able to feel alive anymore”
    “If a storm starts when we are out, I get so scared”
    “I want to speak Vietnamese, Chinese and English”
    “My everyday work makes my happy”
    “Cats..I don’t know why they just scare me”
    “In the dark because I can be in solitude”
    “Those who give you sound advice without you even asking for it”
    “I love to be able to be myself”
    “The other language I would like to speak is English”
    “I’ve traveled to many countries”
    “I fear I will lose something valuable to me”
    “When someone lies to me”
    “Transparent and honest”
    “Doing something I will be remembered for”
    “What makes me happy is to achieve my dreams.”
    “When I am singing”
    “I laugh when I am happy and when I lack nothing”
    “When a woman goes to hospital and dies due to lack of money or blood”
    “Happiness is a state of mind”
    “People who have devotion”
    “I would like to speak every language”
    “Close-minded people”
    “We are all counting down our life”
    “Chinese and English because they are global languages”
    “Understand people who are different from them”
    “Nothing is safe”
    “I think I will be in heaven”
    “I am scared of darkness”
    “I feel angry with myself when I can’t dance”
    “I want to see the Eiffel Tower”
    “People who talk behind our backs”
    “The country is full of music, fashion, dance and art”
    “Things I can’t see or don’t know, like the future.”
    “People who are judgemental”
    “My parents accept us and call us ‘daughter'”